Change in Number of Shares in Nanologica AB

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The number of shares in Nanologica AB (publ) has changed during the month of February as a result of options from the stock option program 2018/21 being exercised.  

A share-based incentive program of a maximum of 483 883 options was decided by the Annual General Meeting May 31, 2018. The program expires July 1st, 2021 and the options may be exercised any time before that to a strike price of SEK 9.3. According to the Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980), any changes in the total number of shares in Swedish publicly traded companies shall be made public per the last day of trade of the current month.

During February, 17 630 have been exercised and the total number of shares as per February 26, 2021 amounts to 27 794 480. The share capital has as a result of this increased by SEK 7 228.29 to SEK 11 396 509.12 and the Company has received SEK 163 595 as payment for the shares. A total of 389 826 options remains in the program.


For further information, please contact:

Johanna Johansson, IR Nanologica
Ph: +46 72 211 21 90 or e-mail:


About Nanologica AB (publ)

Nanologica was founded in 2004 and is a nanotechnology company developing nanoporous silica particles for applications within life science. Nanologica is world-leading in controlling the shape, size, and type of porosity of silica particles. This knowledge is applied within drug development and chromatography (a separation technique used in drug development and drug production). The company’s mission is to contribute to better and cheaper treatments for patients worldwide through the technology platform NLAB Silica™. Nanologica’s stock (NICA) is listed on Spotlight Stock Market. For further information, please visit

This information is information that Nanologica AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication on February 26, 2021.

Tel: +46 72 211 21 90 eller e-post:


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