Narconon Trois-Rivières: A New Year Resolution for Drug Addiction Treatment
A drug rehab center, like the Narconon Trois-Rivières center, which takes advantage of natural and holistic procedures provides complete elimination of drugs from the system. Through use of relaxation techniques, sauna treatments, proper alimentation and other practices, the drug can be safely and thoroughly removed from the body, thus ending the physical addiction.
While many drug addiction treatment centers claim they have a good success rate, not all of them utilize the same programs and procedures concerning treatment. There are treatment options available to people who need treatment for drug addiction. Basically, there are two schools of thought when it comes to treatment; Drug “therapy” and natural/holistic - Narconon Trois-Rivieres employs the later one.
Drug Therapy:
For several years, the use of Methadone as “medical therapy” in drug addiction treatment centers has been utilized. Basically, this is using Methadone as a substitute for the offending drug. The facility will introduce Methadone to the drug addict’s system in order to allegedly minimize withdrawal symptoms. Once this is done, the addict may be less likely to be tempted to buy an illicit drug, but could be dependent on Methadone for the rest of his life says JF Dubreuil of Narconon Trois-Rivières.
He further added “This procedure has come under scrutiny as being not only illogical, but unethical”. If a person is addicted to Oxycodone, is substituting Methadone the answer? It is, many times, a prescription drug that facilitated the addiction in the first place. Methadone is a synthetic opiate which is used for pain relief (much like Oxycodone and other drugs). It works the same way that a natural opiate works, affecting the nervous system and the brain. It can cause life threatening conditions. If someone stops taking Methadone, they experience withdrawal. (Isn’t that why people seek drug addiction treatment in the first place?)
Narconon Trois-Rivières Graduation
Natural and Holistic:
A drug rehab center, like the Narconon Trois-Rivières center, which takes advantage of natural and holistic procedures provides complete elimination of drugs from the system. Through use of relaxation techniques, sauna treatments, proper alimentation and other practices, the drug can be safely and thoroughly removed from the body, thus ending the physical addiction. Holistic treatment means treating the physical, mental and spiritual being. Once the treatment is complete, not only is the client free from drugs, but they are armed with new techniques to help them stay off of drugs. Natural drug addiction rehabilitation, such as the Narconon drug rehab program can help provide a happy, healthy, drug-free life.
Drug-free programs for drug addiction treatment are normally a longer course than those that use drug substitution methods. It takes time to learn how to deal with issues and stressors which trigger drug abuse. Long term programs have been proven to be more successful.
So, while there are options to drug addiction treatment, they are not all sound. The choice, basically is; addiction to a different drug, or becoming completely free of addiction of any kind.
Narconon is a worldwide network of independent drug rehab centers that have been providing drug-free rehabilitation for over 40 years. For more information about the natural drug rehab program of Narconon Trois-Rivières, call 1-877-782-7409.
Watch Narconon Trois-Rivieres New Year video message
JF Dubreuil
Director of Promotion&Marketing
819-376-8181 ext316
Narconon Trois-Rivieres is a charitable organisation per [L.R.C (1985), ch.1 (5e suppl.)]
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