Oxycontin Rehab Success – The Road to Recovery
The person in the video is a typical Oxycontin user – injured in a motor vehicle accident, suffering work related injuries, or pain for any reason, people are prescribed some form of pain relief by their doctor.
“The Road to Oxycontin Addiction” PSA video on YouTube by Narconon Trois-Rivieres is both informative and a warning to anyone using oxy, on prescription, for relief of chronic pain. No one expects that medication prescribed for them by a doctor will turn out to be addictive. Signs and symptoms of addiction are often not recognized as such – as the Narconon Trois-Rivieres PSA video shows.
The person in the video is a typical Oxycontin user – injured in a motor vehicle accident, suffering work related injuries, or pain for any reason, people are prescribed some form of pain relief by their doctor. Pain relief might be achieved with strong analgesics that can be purchased over the counter of any pharmaceutical supplier, but for many the pain of recent injury is intense. Percocet was how the person in this video started on the road to oxy addiction. Percocet itself is potentially addictive, being similar to Oxycontin in that it contains oxycodone, together with paracetamol and acetaminophen.
People are most at risk of Oxycontin addiction when previously prescribed drugs for pain relief have ceased to be effective, due to the tolerance effect when addictive drugs are used long term,.Oxycontin is then prescribed to provide more effective pain control. Users of Oxycontin, such as the person in the Narconon Trois-Rivieres “The Road to Oxycontin Addiction” video, will find that tolerance to Oxycontin will also occur – prescriptions for Oxycontin can start with 10mg doses, in Canada, and go up to 80mg.
Users of Oxycontin might be advised of the risk of Oxycontin addiction with continued Oxycontin use – but it is not very clearly explained to them by doctors precisely what Oxycontin addiction means, and what symptoms to expect. Users of Oxycontin are mostly focused on getting pain relief – people do not always realize that feeling “high” as result of Oxycontin use is a symptom of addiction.
Oxycontin slow release medications are not intended to be used by patients “on demand” but strictly as prescribed. That deaths related to Oxycontin use continue to increase worldwide is not entirely surprising when potentially lethal doses of Oxycontin can be self administered, by taking only one tablet.
Any single dose of Oxycontin of 40mg or more should only be given to a patient who is already opioid tolerant. Doses of 80mg per day can be fatal unless a person is already highly opioid tolerant. Most deaths from Oxycontin use are caused by acute respiratory failure, due to overdose.
If you think that you are at risk of or have Oxycontin addiction, Narconon Trois-Rivières offers drug-free, Oxycontin rehab – enabling complete oxy detox and full addiction recovery.
JF Dubreuil
Director of Promotion&Marketing
819-376-8181 ext316
Narconon Trois-Rivieres is a charitable organisation per [L.R.C (1985), ch.1 (5e suppl.)]
art. 149.1(1) of the Canada income tax laws. http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tax/charities/menu-e.html http://narconontroisrivieres.org/