Derivatives - Danish Stock Products 07/08

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From Monday Mars 2nd 2009 NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets will in addition to NT, Normal Trade, make two new Trade types available for the members when performing external trade reporting. Members will be given access to the following trade types:

NT, NORMAL TRADE Default trade type. Only accepted if the reported price is at or within spread. Updates all trade statistics.

OS, OUTSIDE SPREAD Shall be used if NT is not applicable but the agreed price has been at or within spread during a period of five minutes prior to the application for Registration. No validation of reported price. Doesn’t update last paid price or last paid volume in trade statistics.

EG1, EXCHANGE GRANTED 1 If neither NT nor OS are applicable EG1 shall be used if the agreed price has been at or within spread during the day of the application for Registration. Prior to the application of Registration an approval, via telephone, shall be
acquired from the Exchange. No validation of reported price. Doesn’t update last paid price or last paid volume in trade statistics.

For traders using CLICK Trade XT clients no action have to be taken. The list of available trade types will be updated automatically. For traders using 3rd party trading applications, 3rd party developers have to populate the list of available trade types with the additional trade types OS and EG1 if these are to be used. The described changes will be implemented in External Test Environments 1 and 3 from Friday November 28th 2008.

Section 2A.12.4 in the Rules and Regulations of NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Markets covering external trade reporting will be updated with these changes in December. For technical details please see the IT Exchange Notice 104/08; CLICK/SECUR External Trade Reporting.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Joakim Fernlund or Michael Nolte, telephone +46 8 405 73 60,

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