CALGARY– The National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) is making available $50,000 under its Participant Funding Program to assist landowners, Aboriginal groups, incorporated non-industry not-for profit organizations, and other interested parties to participate in the regulatory process for the proposed Ekwan, Northwest (NW) Mainline, and Tanghe Creek Loops Project (the Project).
The Project is being proposed by NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TransCanada Pipelines Limited (TransCanada). The Project involves an expansion of portions of NGTL’s existing Alberta System located 70 kilometres (km) southeast of Fort Nelson, British Columbia, 55 km southwest of Rainbow Lake, Alberta, and 40 km northwest of Manning, Alberta. The purpose of the Project is to increase capacity to transport natural gas supply from northeast British Columbia and northwest Alberta.
The Project involves the construction of three pipeline loops and related facilities. The proposed Ekwan Loop is approximately 29.1 km of pipe and related facilities extending east from the Sierra Gas Plant to a point on the Ekwan Pipeline. The proposed Northwest Mainline loop is approximately 49 km of pipe and related facilities extending south from a point on the existing Northwest Mainline approximately 30 km southwest of Rainbow Lake, Alberta to a point near the Snowfall Creek Meter Station. The proposed Tanghe Creek Loop is approximately 32 km of pipe and related facilities extending east from a point on the existing Tanghe Creek Loop approximately 104 km northwest of Manning, Alberta, to a point near the Chinchaga Meter Station. The proposed in-service date for the Project is the second quarter of 2013.
Funding is being made available to help interested parties review and comment on the Project application to be submitted by NGTL. Funding must be used to prepare for and participate in the hearing process which will be announced by the Board at a later date.
If approved for funding, recipients must register as an intervenor in the NEB’s regulatory process for the Project.
A funding review committee, independent of the regulatory process, will consider all applications for funding and make recommendations on the allocation of funds.
The deadline to submit a funding application is 31 March 2011. Funding applications received by the Board after this date will not be considered.
Interested parties are encouraged to review information on the proposed Project, as well as the NEB’s Draft List of Issues and the Draft Scope of the Environmental Assessment before submitting an application for funding.
This information, as well as the Participant Funding Program Guide, the Application for Funding Form and the Contribution Agreement can be found on the Board's website (www.neb-one.gc.ca) under Public Registries / Anticipated Applications.
Please visit the NEB website for general information about the hearing process and how you can participate. To access the information, go to www.neb-one.gc.ca, select Hearings and Information Sessions, and then click on Participate in a Public Hearing.
The NEB is an independent federal regulator of several parts of Canada's energy industry. Its purpose is to regulate pipelines, energy development and trade in the Canadian public interest.
The National Energy Board announced today that Participant Funding would be available for the Ekwan, Northwest Mainline, and Tanghe Creek Loops Project. NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL), a wholly owned subsidiary of TransCanada PipeLines Limited is proposing an expansion of portions of its existing Alberta System to increase capacity to transport natural gas supply from northeast British Columbia and northwest Alberta. The deadline to apply for funding is 31 March 2011. To find out more about the project, or to apply for funding, visit www.neb-one.gc.ca.
For further information: Erin Dottor
Communications Officer
Telephone: 403-299-3712
TTY (teletype): 1-800-632-1663