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Peter Carlsson (45) has today been appointed as new CEO in NattoPharma. Peter Carlsson, who holds a bachelor degree in business administration from the College of Business in Växjö, Sweden, has a long history and experience within fast moving consumer goods, of which the past 11 years within food supplements. He has been CEO in Medica Clinical Nord AB, Macronova-Group within Life Europe AB and CEO in Medtech Pharma. He has also been employed by Midelfart & Co. AS as Market Manager and Business Development Manager and as Product Manager in Kraft General Foods.  During the period 1990 - 1994 he was Market Consultant and a Scholarship holder in the Swedish Trade Council in Oslo. He was presently employed as Director Sales and Marketing in NattoPharma.

Ragnvald Holm Lie, Chairman of the board of directors in NattoPharma, is very pleased with the appointment.

For further information, please contact:

Peter Carlsson
NattoPharma ASA
Mobil: +47 950 49 906

Ragnvald Holm Lie
NattoPharma ASA
Mobil: +47 900 71 532