Breakthrough for MenaQ7® in the Nordic Countries

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NattoPharma ASA has today signed a major agreement with a leading European operator in the dietary supplements industry who holds several brands. In the agreement, NattoPharma will be the exclusive supplier of MenaQ7®. Our new partner will formulate MenaQ7® into one or more of their existing product lines and plan to launch the first product in Q2 2011. 

Through this agreement, NattoPharma has made a major step in the commercialization of our brand MenaQ7®, and expects further sales growth for our natural vitamin K2. Furthermore, our partner will obtain access to our IPR platform of cardiovascular patents and extensive clinical studies.

Our Sales Manger Europe, Mrs. Käthe Bleken states that "we expect that our partner will invest in the marketing of MenaQ7® in order to be able to reach a wider range of consumers." "We are very pleased to have signed an agreement with this well renowned and respected partner" says Bleken.

About MenaQ7®
MenaQ7 provides natural vitamin K2 as a fermentation extract whereby vitamin K2 is manufactured using bascillus subtilis natto. This process has the capacity of producing the highly pure and bio-available form of vitamin K2, menaquinone-7 (MK-7). MenaQ7® is the best documented, commercially available natural vitamin K2 with guaranteed actives and stability, clinical substantiation and international patents granted and pending.

For more information on the health benefits of MenaQ7®, please visit  

About NattoPharma
NattoPharma, Norway is the exclusive international supplier of MenaQ7®, the natural Vitamin K2. NattoPharma has entered into a multi-year research and development program to substantiate and discover the health benefits of natural vitamin K2 for applications in the exciting marketplace for functional food and health food supplements.

For more information, please visit

For further information, please contact
Käthe Bleken, Senior Sales Manager Europe
Phone: +47 952 33 664