Danisco and NattoPharma sign global agreement on MenaQ7

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Danisco and NattoPharma have entered into long term global supply, marketing and license agreements securing Danisco rights as NattoPharma's sole partner in marketing the natural vitamin K2 product MenaQ7® to the global food industry.
MenaQ7 contains one of the most bioavailable forms of natural Vitamin K2, known as menaquinone-7. It is extracted from Natto, the traditional japanese fermented soy bean, which has been consumed in Japan for hundreds of years for its health benefits.
"MenaQ7 complements our portfolio of health ingredients and fits well with our strategic focus on Health and Nutrition," comments Fabienne Saadane-Oaks, President of Danisco BioActives. "The agreement will contribute to strengthening our range of products for cardiovascular health in addition to opening a new platform for bone health."
"The agreement represents a major commercial breakthrough for NattoPharma," states Thomas Christensen, President and Chief Executive Officer of NattoPharma, a Norway-based company and exclusive supplier of MenaQ7. "Danisco is one of the world's leading suppliers of food ingredients and our partnership will allow for high-volume production and supply of our unique product MenaQ7 to the fast-growing food fortification industry."
The agreement does not cover distribution in Norway, where NattoPharma will market the product directly to food manufacturers.
The parties have agreed not to disclose details of the agreement.

For more information, please contact:
Danisco:        nathalie.brosse@danisco.com, ph +33156604726
NattoPharma: Thomas.christensen@nattopharma.com, ph. +4792255444

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