MenaQ7® Natural Vitamin K Chosen as Finalist for Nutrition Business Technology Award

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OSLO, NORWAY -- NattoPharma ASA (NATTO: Oslo Axess) has announced that its product, MenaQ7Crystals brand vitamin K2 menaquinone-7 (MK-7), the leading MK-7 ingredient, has been selected as a finalist -- one of three -- for Nutrition Business Technology's "Most Effective Product Development Strategy category, as part of its annual awards program presented at Vitafoods, Europe's leading nutritional and food tradeshow.

Specifically, MenaQ7Crystals and NattoPharma are currently on the short list for the "Most Effective Product Development Strategy" category. The entries for the NBT award in this specific category ( demonstrate how the program was implemented to incorporate new product strategy in response to market needs. The entries must also provide evidence of the identification and commercialization of technologies that address emerging trends and new product requirements.  MenaQ7Crystals addresses a growing recognition by the global health care community for high purity, stable and well-researched vitamin K2, menaquinone-7 for supplemental and food use, to prevent osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and to provide safe distribution of calcium in the body, especially in aging populations. The breakthrough clinical study on NattoPharma’s brand of MenaQ7 was published  in March 2013 in the journal Osteoporosis International. Pending manuscripts on MenaQ7 brand are on cardiovascular disease protection and prevention of metabolic functions deterioration with aging.

Frode M. Bohan, NattoPharma Chairman, comments, "This prestigious award nomination marks the launch of our breakthrough technology, MenaQ7Crystals. This ingredient provides the market with several unique firsts -- it is the most bioactive form of natural vitamin K2 menaquinone-7 available, it is the first natural MK-7 with its own clinical trial demonstrating therapeutic benefits for bone and heart health, and it is the only patented natural vitamin K2 product. “

Hogne Vik, MD, PhD, MBA, CEO of NattoPharma, adds, "We are honored to receive this recognition from NBT and Vitafoods as a result of many years of research and development. This nomination along with the recent publication of our three-year study in Osteoporosis International, gives the market confidence about the important role of MK-7 (MenaQ7Crystals) in global human health, and will also help energetically develop the commercial market for MK-7, a much needed nutrient for people worldwide."

About MenaQ7® brand and MenaQ7Crystals ™

MenaQ7Crystals ™ provides natural vitamin K2 whereby vitamin K2 is manufactured using Bacillus licheniformis in a soy‐free fermentation process. This process has the capacity of producing the highly pure and bio‐available form of vitamin K2, menaquinone‐7 (MK‐7) in crystallized form. MenaQ7® brand is the best documented, commercially available natural vitamin K2 with guaranteed actives and stability, clinical substantiation and international patents granted and pending. For more information, visit

About NattoPharma

As a biotechnology-based nutraceutical company, NattoPharma is the worldwide innovator and leader of Vitamin K2 menaquinone-7. Its brand MenaQ7® is supported by a global IPR portfolio and revolutionary research substantiating clear efficacy for bone and cardiovascular health. NattoPharma has since 2007 been in an exclusive research and development collaboration with VitaK, University in Maastricht, The Netherlands, working to substantiate the health benefits of natural vitamin K2.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Hogne Vik (CEO),
+47 975 35 326
