MenaQ7 awarded Nutrafiles' Product of the Month

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MenaQ7® awarded Nutrafiles' Product of the Month


12. May 2010 Lysaker, Norway - NattoPharma ASA is pleased to announce that MenaQ7®, natural vitamin K2 (MK-7) has this month been chosen by Nutrafiles as their Product of the Month. This is due to the strong score MenaQ7 has achieved in their system. With a possible total score of 42, NattoPharma's MenaQ7 scores an amazing 40 which is the highest score ever. MenaQ7 scores a top 7 in both Market, Novelty, Biology and Health areas, and 6 in Intellectual and Regulatory.


Nutrafiles is a very informative and user friendly web-based knowledge system for health ingredients aimed for manufacturers in the health nutrition industry. The system is developed and maintained by the company Bio2com. All ingredients in the Nutrafiles database are given a score from 0 to 7 (max) in the following categories: Novelty, Biology, Health, Intellectual, Market and Regulatory.


Nutrafiles focus on regulatory issues in their May newsletter and MenaQ7 scores 6 out of 7 in this area and is the only product in this database with such a high score and solid regulatory basis.

MenaQ7's high score is based on amongst others the EU approval which makes MenaQ7 the only vitamin K2 product approved for marketing and sales in the EU. NattoPharma's MenaQ7 has also been added to the Annex II lists for food and food supplement as well as for food for specific nutritional uses (PARNUTS). Additionally, the EU published their approval of a health claim for the link between vitamin K and bone health in the autumn of 2009. "We are very impressed by the Nutrafiles system which provides easy and very thorough knowledge of key ingredients. We are of course very pleased that MenaQ7 has been awarded as product of the month based on high scores in all categories including the high ranked regulatory score," says VP Sales & Marketing Siri Stabel Olsen.


For additional information:

VP Sales & Marketing Siri Stabel Olsen

Tel: +47 992 52 274

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About MenaQ7

MenaQ7 provides natural vitamin K2 as a fermentation extract whereby vitamin K2 is manufactured using bascillus subtilis natto. This process has the capacity of producing the highly pure and bio-available form of vitamin K2, menaquinone-7 (MK-7). MenaQ7 is the best documented, commercially available natural vitamin K2 with guaranteed actives and stability, clinical substantiation and international patents granted and pending.

For more information on the health benefits of MenaQ7, please visit 

About NattoPharma

NattoPharma, Norway is the exclusive international supplier of MenaQ7, the natural Vitamin K2. NattoPharma has entered into a multi-year research and development program to substantiate and discover the health benefits of natural vitamin K2 for applications in the exciting marketplace for functional food and health food supplements.

For more information, please visit

About Nutrafiles

Nutrafiles is run by the Danish company Bio2com who has created and administers this web-based database and knowledge centre for health ingredients. Nutrafiles was launched in September 2009 and is available to the food industry by subscription. Its goal is to provide food and beverage professionals iwht access to current ingredient profile, accurate formulation and nutritional data, and the regulatory status of health ingredient offerings worldwide.

For more information, please visit

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