NattoPharma's Vitamin K2 - authorized as Novel Food in EU

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NattoPharma is pleased to announce that the EU's STANDING COMMITTEE ON THE FOOD CHAIN AND ANIMAL HEALTH has authorized 'Vitamin K2 (menaquinone)' as Novel Food with unanimous approval at the meeting 20th February 2009. Vitamin K2 required this formal authorization as Novel Food ingredient in order to be included on the list of vitamins for the uses in food sector. This decision follows EFSA's (European Food Safety Authority) positive scientific opinion which was published in November 2008, while the official minutes from the EU committee meeting were recently confirmed.
"The Novel Food authorization is a great achievement by NattoPharma as the first, big barrier to full EU approval now has been passed. This is a major market brake true for us, since we are now able to start selling our MenaQ7 as Novel Food in EU." says NattoPharma's Vice President R&D and Regulatory, Anne Bjørnebye Vik.
For further information, please contact:
Morten Sundstø, Phone + 47 950 61 860
IR and Communication
NattoPharma ASA
Lysaker Torg 5
P.O.Box  397
1326 Lysaker
Phone:  + 67 20 02 50
Fax:       +67 20 02 51
About MenaQ7
MenaQ7(TM) is a safe and effective extract from the Japanese food natto (fermented soybeans), which is the richest known source of natural vitamin K2 (MK-7). MK-7 is recognized in scientific literature for providing optimal activity and vitamin K status in the body. MenaQ7 is the best documented commercially available Natural Vitamin K2 with guaranteed actives and stability, clinical substantiation and international patents awarded and pending.
For more information on the health benefits of MenaQ7, please visit
About NattoPharma
NattoPharma, Norway is the exclusive international supplier of MenaQ7, the natural Vitamin K2. NattoPharma has entered into a multi-year research and development program to substantiate and discover the health benefits of natural vitamin K2 for applications in the exciting marketplace for functional food and health food supplements.
For more information, please visit our website