Ordinary General Meeting June 29. 2009 - Election Committee recommendation

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The Election Committee, based on discussions with the largest shareholders, recommend that the present members of the Board of Directors continue their service, and also that the present members of the Election Committee accepts a nomination for a new period.  
Valgkomiteen har medelt at det i henhold til samtaler med de største aksjonærene er et ønske om at dagens styre skal bestå, og at valgkomiteen er innstilt på å stille til gjenvalg.
The Election Committee proposes the following per annum remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors and the Election Committee to be adopted by the general meeting June 29th 2009;
Chairman of the Board: NOK 150.000
Board members NOK 100.000
Chairman of the Election Committee: NOK 20.000
Members of the Election Committee: NOK 20.000
Valgkomiteen innstiller overfor generalforsamlingen følgende pro anno satser for godtgjørelse til styret og valgkomiteen for 2008;
Styrets formann NOK 150.000
Styremedlemmer NOK 100.000
Valgkomiteens leder: NOK 20.000
Valgkomiteens medlemmer: NOK 20.000
Best regards/Med vennlig hilsen
Election Committee/Valgkomiteen
Alexander Munch-Thore
Chairman of the Election Committee/ Leder av valgkomiteen