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As previously announced, NP has for some time been exploring different strategic alternatives, hereunder the possibility of a sale of the company or the shares of the company.

Hence, in June 2009, NP appointed HDR Partners in Sweden as the Company's strategic advisors in this process. During this period, NP has been in dialogue with several interested parties. These contacts developed into closer dialoge with three of these parties, and the process with one of these parties also entailed an indicated interest to bid NOK 2,86 per share for all shares in NP, on certain subjects.

The board's view is, however, that such price level does not reflect the potential values in the company.

So far, the board has not received any bid or indication of a bid that is on a level that the board will support and recommend for the shareholders inNP.

The strategic process is not terminated. The board will continue looking at alternatives going forward, and will keep the market informed about any results or significant developments as we move forward. The boards' ambition is that these processes will result in a share price that reflects the values that the board sees in NattoPharma.

For more information:

Morten Sundstø
Phone: +47 950 61860