Political Tactics for Conservationists

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Nature Conservancy’s Next Generation learns what it takes to protect nature at the ballot box

REDMOND — Why would a conservation organization like The Nature Conservancy take on ballot initiatives in Washington state? Senior Policy Advisor Len Barson will talk about the successful campaigns against Initiative 1033, an anti-tax measure sponsored by Tim Eyman in 2009, and Initiative 933, an anti land-use-planning initiative in 2006. Both of these initiatives would have had dire consequences for efforts to conserve Washington’s natural lands and waters.

Barson will speak at a reception hosted by Washington’s Next Generation at 4 p.m. July 9 at the Spitfire Grill on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond.

Washington’s Next Generation is a group of young professionals from the greater Seattle area who are fostering the next generation of conservationists. They’re seeking new members in their 40s and younger to join them in exploring Washington, current environmental issues and philanthropy.

Len Barson is a Senior Policy Advisor for The Nature Conservancy and has worked for the Conservancy in Washington for a dozen years. He currently works on ballot measures around the country, focusing on initiatives involving regulatory takings and on measures to raise funds for conservation. During the last election cycle, Barson participated in several live debates with professional initiative operative Tim Eyman.

The reception will be from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on July 9 at the Spitfire Grill on the Microsoft Campus in Redmond. It’s free and open to the public, but the hosts are requesting RSVPs to btincher@tnc.org. Visit www.nature.org/nextgen for more details.


Katherine Sather
(206) 343-4345, ext 351
The Nature Conservancy
