Fast, Easy, Way to Prevent a Hangover on New Years Eve

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Take Naughtybits® Algae Tabs

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Contact person: Catharine Arnston


Telephone: 617-886-5106

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Boston MA, December 28, 2011: New Years Eve is a big night for celebrations, cocktails and party

hats and if it wasn’t for the hangover and embarrassing photos the next morning, you’d have no regrets.

Right? The photos are inevitable but the hangovers aren’t. What if we told you an easy way to prevent

them? Would you be interested? What if it was 100% natural, 100% organic, had no chemicals,

caffeine or sugar, was safe enough for babies and had been used worldwide for over fifty years?

Would you be even more interested? Good. Are you ready for the answer? It’s not anything you’ve ever

tried or even heard of and all you need to do is chew or swallow a handful of them after drinking

alcohol. And while you sleep, they go to work, absorbing all the alcohol out of your bloodstream. Next

morning, voila, no hangover. Sounds pretty great. Right? It is. So do you want to know what it is?

Its algae.

But not just any kind of algae. It has to be chlorella algae. If you’ve never heard of chlorella algae,

you’re not alone. Virtually no one in America knows about it, even though it’s been used for fifty years

worldwide. In Japan chlorella algae is more common than Vitamin C. But since you probably

don’t have enough time to study the 100,000 studies documenting the health benefits of algae, why not

take it for a test drive and see for yourself. The chlorella algae tabs that are all the buzz right now are

called RECOVERYbits® and are sold online at by the Naughty Nutritionist Inc.

This Boston based company launched their line of algae bits last year after spending four years pouring

through the research on algae so they could provide you with this really cool and easy way to prevent

hangovers and cure colds- yes they do that too). Their algae tablets are playfully call “bits” and their

RECOVERYbits are 100% chlorella algae and are the ones that prevent hangovers. The buzz about

them is just beginning and so far they have seen a success rate of 99%. So, don’t miss out. Just

swallow or chew a handful of RECOVERYbits® algae tabs after your festive night of drinking and you’ll

wake up the next morning fresh as a daisy. No hangover. No kidding.


RECOVERYbits® are 100% chlorella algae. Chlorella is an algae that removes toxins from the body.

Yes, even alcohol. This amazing ability of chlorella algae was discovered after WWII when the

Japanese were left without food. The American government came to their aid and algae is what they

fed them. Algae had been first used as food for large scale consumption by the Germans at the end of

WWI when it prevented mass starvation. The algae that was fed to the Japanese was chlorella algae.

It not only met their food and nutritional needs, it stunned the world by also healing them of radiation

poisoning (from the Hiroshima nuclear bomb) This unexpected discovery led to 10 years of algae

research being conducted by the Carnegie Institute, Rockefeller Institute and the Japanese. They all

reached the same conclusion – that algae is the most nutritious food on earth (it has the highest

concentration of protein, chlorophyll, antioxidants and iron in the world, over 40 nutrients and is just one

calorie per tab). They also discovered that chlorella algae has a unique and extraordinary ability to

absorb toxins and remove them from both the body. It also builds the immune system (which may

explain why it also prevents and cure colds) Algae is a multi billion dollar industry in Japan and

growing. However here in America, virtually no one knows about it. Until now.

OK, so now that the history lesson is over, lets get back to your hangover. When you take

RECOVERYbits® before you go to bed, the chlorella algae in RECOVERYbits® soaks up and removes

the alcohol from your bloodstream - all while you sleep. But in order for it to work, you need to take 25-

50 tabs (the higher number is required if you have a large physical build or have consumed a large

amount of alcohol). It may sound like a lot until you realize that the tabs are just “bits” of food (not

pills). They’re like nuts. And, just as you wouldn’t eat just one or two nuts to curb your hunger, and you

similarly can’t just take one or two RECOVERYbits® and expect them to work either. You need a good

handful. Chew the RECOVERYbits or swallow them with water (they are very tiny and about the size of

a tic tac®). Either way, you get the same benefits. No hangover.

We know it seems incredible that something so small can pack such a punch and chase away a

hangover without chemicals, caffeine or anything artificial. But it seems to work. There is nothing in the

world as small, natural or as nutritionally dense as algae. Seems that Mother Nature wants you to be

healthy but also wants you to enjoy yourself. She sure has one heck of a sense of humor. So, do

yourself a favor. Get yourself some RECOVERYbits® algae tabs and you’ll not only sail through

New Years Eve without a hangover, but your body, your family and even your boss will thank you.


The Naughty Nutritionist Inc® is a nutraceuticals company based in Boston, MA. They make nutrition

and algae hip, stylish, fast and fun for consumers, fitness enthusiasts, athletes, performers, moms,

children, executives or anyone looking for a natural way to improve their health, vitality, endurance,

performance and longevity. Their algae tabs have been shown to prevent or stop hangovers, colds and

fatigue, provide physical and mental energy and help with weight loss. Algae supplies nutrition that is

missing from most American's diets. If you don't eat fresh greens on a daily basis, algae tabs are the

answer. The tabs look like a supplement, but are “bits” of food and can either be eaten or swallowed by

the handful, similar to how one would consume a handful of nuts. The first products are ENERGYbits®,

RECOVERYbits® and VITALITYbits® algae tabs, each of which provide different health benefits

and which collectively are referred to as “Naughtybits”®. For more information about the products or to

purchase them, visit For information about the company, contact Catharine

Arnston at (office) 617-886-5106, (cell) 617-642-0782 or        







Quick facts

RECOVERYbits are one of three algae products offered by the Naughtynutritionist and sold online at
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RECOVERYbits are 100% organic chlorella algae. Chlorella algae has been studied for over 50 years and has been shown to prevent hangovers and even colds.
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chlorella algae was shown to cure toxic poisoning of the Japanese who suffered from radiation poisoning from the Hiroshima bomb. So, if it can clear radiation poisoining, getting rid of a bit of alchol in your blood stream and preventing your hangover should be a slam dunk
catharine arnston
Chlorella algae has been safely used for over fifty years around the world. It's America's turn now
catharine arnston
The chlorella algae that is in RECOVERYbits is 100% from nature. Its Mother Nature's gift to us. She sure had one heck of a sense of humor because algae is not only the most nutritious food on earth, chlorella algae seems to prevent hangovers. Guess Mom Nature wanted us to be healthy and have fun too. Thanks Mom.
Catharine Arnston