Will You Be Naughty or Nice This Holiday? Be Both With Naughtybits® Algae

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Mother Nature's Secret that Prevents a Hangover

Contact person: Catharine Arnston

Email: carnston@naughtynutritionist.net

Telephone: 617-886-5106

video link: http://vimeo.com/29327076

online media room: www.cisionwire.com/naughtybits

Boston MA, December 16, 2011: With the holiday season in full swing and festive parties beckoning,

it’s hard not to indulge your naughty side and have a few cocktails. But the hangover the next morning

can be as painful as the photos that document your big night out. We can’t do anything about the

photos but we can tell you how to easily and naturally prevent a hangover. Are you ready? Its nothing

you’ve ever tried before. It’s 100% natural, 100% healthy and 100% green. More importantly, it works.


Its algae.


But not just any kind of algae. It has to be chlorella algae. If you’ve never heard of chlorella algae,

you’re not alone. Virtually no one in America knows about it, even though it’s been used for fifty years

worldwide. In Japan it’s even more common than Vitamin C. But since you don’t have time to pour

through the 100,000 studies that document the health benefits of algae, your best bet is to just try the

chlorella algae called RECOVERYbits® from the Naughty Nutritionist Inc, whose company spent four

years pouring through the research and who recently launched a line of algae tablets they playfully call

Naughtybits®. Their chlorella algae is called RECOVERYbits. Want to prevent a hangover? Just

swallow or chew a handful of RECOVERYbits® algae tabs after your naughty night of drinking and

you’ll wake up the next morning fresh as a daisy. No hangover. No kidding.



RECOVERYbits® are 100% chlorella algae. Chlorella is an algae that removes toxins from the body.

Yes, even alcohol. This amazing ability of chlorella algae was discovered after WWII had left the

Japanese without any food. The American government came to their aid and algae is what they fed

them. Algae had been first used as food for large scale consumption by the Germans at the end of

WWI when it prevented mass starvation. The algae that was fed to the Japanese was chlorella algae

and not only did it meet their nutritional needs, it stunned the world by also healing them of radiation

poisoning (from the Hiroshima nuclear bomb) This unexpected discovery led to 10 years of algae

research being conducted by the Carnegie Institute and Rockefeller Institute and then the Japanese.

The conclusion was that algae was the most nutritious food on earth and that chlorella algae had a

unique ability to absorb toxins and remove them from both the body and bloodstream. Chlorella algae is

now a multi billion dollar industry in Japan, but Americans still know virtually nothing about it. Until now.

OK, so now that the history lesson is over, lets get back to your hangover. If you take RECOVERYbits®

before you go to bed, the chlorella algae in RECOVERYbits® will soak up and remove all the alcohol

from your bloodstream while you sleep. But in order for it to work, you need to take 25-50 tabs

(depending on how much alcohol you consumed and your physical size). It may sound like a lot until

you realize that the tabs are food, just like nuts. You wouldn’t ever eat just one or two nuts to curb your

hunger, would you? Well you can’t just take one or two RECOVERYbits® and expect them to work

either. You need a handful. Swallow or chew them, either way you get the same benefits

We know it seems incredible that something so small can pack such a punch and chase away a

hangover without chemicals, caffeine or anything artificial. But it does. There is nothing in the world as

small, natural or as nutritionally dense as algae. Seems that Mother Nature wants you to be healthy but

also wants you to enjoy yourself. Maybe she was a party girl herself in her youth? Either way, she sure

has one heck of a sense of humor. So, do your naughty side a favor. Get yourself some RECOVERYbits® algae

tabs and you’ll not only sail through the holidays with flying colors, but your body and boss will thank you.



Chlorella is a multi billion dollar industry in Japan and has been used worldwide to prevent hangovers,

stop colds, improve health, vitality, longevity, energy and more. Algae has been used by NASA,

Olympic Athletes and tens of millions in Asia for over fifty years, and forty years ago it was declared the

most nutritionally dense food on earth by both NASA and the United Nations. It has three times more

protein than steak; fifty times more iron than spinach; five times more chlorophyll than wheat grass; the

highest concentration of chlorophyll, antioxidants and beta carotene in the world; over forty nutrients

and is just one calorie per tab. Algae tabs have been shown to prevent hangovers, lower blood

pressure, cure colds, aid weight loss, balance blood sugar, provide energy, boost athletic performance,

protect the brain, build the immune system and more. And it does this all naturally. No chemicals, no

sugar, no caffeine, no soy, no drugs, no side affects, no interactions. Just 100% green, raw nutrition.

Straight from Mother Nature. It has even been sold in the USA for over twenty five years but most

Americans are unaware of it’s health benefits and certainly do not know yet that it prevents hangovers.



The Naughty Nutritionist® Inc. has three algae products: ENERGYbits®, RECOVERYbits® and

VITALITYbits® algae tabs. Collectively they are referred to as Naughtybits® algae tabs. Algae has

eighteen of the twenty two amino acids including all eight essential amino acids that the body cannot

make itself, making algae a “complete protein.” Not only does algae have the highest concentration

of protein found in any food (over 60% protein) it is the most nutritionally dense food in the world,

which may explain why Olympic athletes and astronauts have eaten it for decades. Even NASA says

algae has 1,000 times more nutrition than anything else and has been quoted saying “one gram of

algae has the nutritional equivalent of 1,000 grams of fruits and vegetables.”



Naughtybits® algae tabs have just one ingredient. Algae. Collectively, their benefits include

enhanced physical and mental energy, removal of toxins, prevention of hangovers, colds,

decreased hunger and fatigue, strengthened immune system, help with weight loss and more.

When you swallow or chew a handful of Naughtybits® algae tabs (as you would a handful of nuts)

your energy will increase, your hunger, colds and hangovers will decrease, your immune system will

strengthen and your nutritional needs for the day will be met. All naturally.

ENERGYbits® are 100% spirulina, a nitrogen based algae. They release nitric oxide into the body

which opens up blood vessels, allowing oxygen and nutrients to rapidly and easily reach the

muscles and brain. This, combined with the highest concentration of protein and second highest

concentration of Essential Fatty Acid, GLA (second only to mothers’ milk) provides a mental “wake

up”, renewed physical energy and a sense of fullness. ENERGYbits® are the best selection when

looking for a healthy, high protein snack, help with weight loss, a more natural way to fight fatigue,

recharge one’s energy, eliminate brain fog or feel refreshed. The health benefits from each type of

Naughtybits ® are different.

RECOVERYbits® are 100% chlorella algae, an oxygen based algae. They release oxygen at the

cellular level to help fight viruses, bacteria and other organisms that challenge the immune system.

They also have the highest concentration of chlorophyll in the world. Chlorophyll is a powerful

antioxidant that fights free radicals. RECOVERYbits® also absorb and remove any toxin from the

body, including alcohol. They are the best choice for detoxing, preventing a cold or hangover or to

recover from stress, illness or alcohol.

VITALITYbits® algae tabs are 50% chlorella and 50% spirulina. They provide an effective but less

concentrated blend of all the aforementioned benefits.



Each Naughtybits® algae tab is the size of a tic tac®, and a single serving of 12 tabs delivers an

amount of nutrition that exceeds that found in a typical serving of greens or a protein bar. For less

money and ninety percent fewer calories too. The minimum daily serving size is 12 tabs per day,

however to see any significant improvement in one’s health or energy, it is recommended that 30-50

tabs/day be taken. To prevent a hangover, a slightly larger number of tabs are required

(recommended amount is 25-50 tabs). Since algae is food, there are no known drug interactions,

no side affects and no restrictions on how many to eat. The founder eats 100 algae tabs/day. Each

serving of 12 tabs is like a mini meal, and at a mini cost of $1.38 per serving, provides high value

nutrition. The tabs can be chewed or swallowed with a beverage. They can be taken alone, with food,

prior to a meal or instead of a meal. They naturally and immediately curb one’s appetite which is

why some people eat them as a mid day snack or a meal on the run.



Naughtybits® algae tabs are available for purchase exclusively from the company’s website at

www.naughtybits.com. They are sold in large re-sealable bags of 1,000 tabs for $115 (83 servings of 12

tabs/serving) and include a small travel tin that can be refilled each day to ensure a ready supply of

instant energy, a healthy, high protein snack or a quick way to sober up or prevent a hangover after

drinking alcohol. A single serving is 12 tabs however to gain full benefits of the algae, it is

recommended that 20-25 tabs be taken at a time for its energy properties and 25-50 tabs be taken to

prevent a hangover . Tabs can be swallowed or chewed, and contain just one calorie each. Bags have

been sold online for over a year and are shipped nationally and internationally.



The Naughty Nutritionist Inc® is a nutraceuticals company based in Boston, MA. The company’s vision

and mission is to make nutrition hip, stylish, fast and fun for consumers, fitness enthusiasts, athletes,

teams, performers, moms, children, executives or anyone looking for a natural way to prevent

hangovers and improve their health, vitality, endurance, performance and longevity. Their algae tabs

have been shown to prevent or stop hangovers, colds and fatigue, provide physical and mental energy,

help with weight loss aid and supply critical nutrition that is missing from most American's diets. If you

don't eat fresh greens on a daily basis, algae tabs are the answer. The algae is grown organically and

is 100% natural. The tabs looks like a supplement, but are considered food and can either be eaten or

swallowed by the handful, similar to how one would consume a handful of nuts. The first products are

ENERGYbits®, RECOVERYbits® and VITALITYbits® algae tabs, each of which provide different

health benefits and which collectively are referred to as Naughtybits®.. For more information about the

products or to purchase them, visit www.naughtybits.com. For information about the company and for

all media inquiries please contact Catharine Arnston at (office) 617-886-5106, (cell) 617-642-0782 or






Quick facts

The chlorella algae in RECOVERYbits soak up and remove the alcohol from your bloodstream, even while you sleep. So, no hangover the next morning
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There is nothing in the world as small, natural or as nutritionally dense as algae
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Seems Mother Nature wants us to be healthy but she also wants us to party. She sure has one heck of a sense of humor. Why else would she provide us with algae which is the most nutritionally dense food in the world and also prevents hangovers? Thanks Mom.
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Forty years, algae was declared by the World Bank and the United Nations to be the most nutritioally dense food in the world. Who knew it could also prevent hangovers!
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Algae contains no sugar, no caffeine, no guten, no chemicals, no soy, nothing artificial. It is 100% green, 100% natural, 100% raw and 100% nutrition. Who knew you could prevent a hangover and get your greens all at the same time!
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Naughtybits algae tabs have just one ingredient. Algae. They also have just one calorie per tab.
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one gram of algae has the nutrtional equivalent of 1,000 grams of fruits and vegetables
Algae has been used worldwide for over 50 years. Even NASA astronauts and olympic athletes use it for its natural energy and health benefits
Catharine Arnston and various
Want to prevent a hangover? Take a handful of RECOVERYbits algae tabs after your night of drinking and you'll wake up the next morning fresh as a daisy. No hangover. No kidding
Catharine Arnston
RECOVERYbits are 100% chlorella algae which has been shown to remove toxins from the body. Yes, even alcohol
Catharine Arnston and various
The Germans won a Nobel prize in early 1900's for discovering algae had the highest concentration of protein in the world (60% - 70%)
Add more life to yours, one BIT at a time
Catharine Arnston