Issue of consideration shares in connection with the acquisition of Observe Medical International AB
Reference is made to Navamedic ASA's stock exchange notification dated 4 August 2015, and the company's information document dated 14 September 2015 (the "Information Document").
Through the acquisition of Observe Medical International AB ("OM"), Navamedic ASA undertook an obligation to issue 888 100 new shares in the company to the sellers of OM at a volume weighted average price based on the period 15 days prior to and after the announcement of the transaction. The share consideration is to be settled by a set off of the vendor note issued in connection with the acquisition. Reference is made to the Information Document for further details on the acquisition, the vendor note and the consideration shares.
The board of directors has therefore resolved a share capital increase directed towards the sellers of OM whereby the company's share capital is increased by NOK 888 100 through the issue of 888 100 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 1, at a subscription price of NOK 11.26 per share. The resolution corresponds to the draft resolution included in the Information Document section 3.7 and the shares will be issued in accordance with the board of directors authorisation to issue shares granted by the company's general meeting held 8 June 2015.
Upon completion of the share capital increase, the company's share capital will be increased to NOK 9 450 151 divided into 9 450 151 shares, each with a nominal value of NOK 1.
Contact Navamedic ASA:
CFO Bjørn Lindholt
Mobile: +47 93 00 66 01