New CFO in Navamedic ASA

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Torbjörn Sannerstedt has been appointed as the new CFO of Navamedic. Before Navamedic, Torbjörn Sannerstedt held the CFO position at AcadeMedia Company. AcadeMedia are Sweden's largest private education company and is listed at the Stockholm stock exchange Small Cap-list. During his period in the AcadeMedia, the revenue had a high degree of growth, coming mainly from strategic important acquisitions combined with strong organic growth. In October 2008, AcadeMedia and Bure Equity's education company Anew Learning merged and created Sweden's largest education company.

Before AcadeMedia Torbjörn Sannerstedt has worked in different CFO position, but has also experience from executive positions as CEO.

Torbjörn Sannerstedt is 49 years old and is living in Gothenburg. Torbjörn Sannerstedt will be located in Navamedics office in Gothenburg, Sweden. He started his work for Navamedic September 21st, 2009.

Former CFO in Navamedic, Bernt-Olav Røttingsnes, has started in the position as CFO in PCI Biotech.

For further information, please contact:
Olof Milveden, CEO Navamedic ASA
Office: +46 31 335 1190
Mobile: +46 733 463 736
