#17-39 Listing of Knock out warrant issued by Commerzbank AG

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As from January 26, 2017, 1 Knock out warrant issued by Commerzbank AG will be listed on NDX Finland and will be included on the list for Knock-Outs. The instrument will be registered at Euroclear Finland Oy.

Issuer: Commerzbank AG

Type of security: Knock out warrant, open ended

Execution: Automatic cash settlement

Term: As from January 26, 2017 and forward or until time for knock out event

Market Maker: Commerzbank AG


DAX 30 Index

Current values of strike and barrier can be found at:

[ NGM Market Data Web - KnockOutWarrants ]


For more details see attached file.

For further information concerning this NDX notice please contact:

NDX Listing on +46 8 566 390 20 or at ndxlist@ngm.se

Nordic Growth Market NGM AB

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Nordic derivatives Exchange (NDX) is a market for listing and trading of derivatives and other structured products. The market is operated by Nordic Growth Market (www.ngm.se), a regulated exchange under the supervision of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. NDX offers listing and trading of derivatives and structured products and the ambition is to offer issuers and other market participants a flexible market for all types of products. Especially important for NDX is the encouragement of a market driven product development as well as the establishment of a powerful framework for marketing of issuers and issuers' products. NDX offers an increased influence for issuers and increased opportunities for product development. Further, NDX offers a platform that also aims at increasing the understanding and knowledge of derivatives and other structured products for the members' customers.

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