Nefab continues to grow

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In the year-end report released today, Nefab again presented a sharp improvement in sales and earnings. Invoicing rose 27%, of which 19% was organic. Profit after financial items increased SEK 52 to SEK 169 M, up 45%.

Full year in summary:
- Invoicing amounted to SEK 1,903 M (1,501), a 27% increase

- Profit after financial items rose 45% to SEK 169 M (117)

- Earnings per share amounted to SEK 4.61 (3.15)

- Continued favorable growth in China

- Decision to increase capacity in China

- Decision to establish production in India

- Ordinary dividend of SEK 1.20 per share (1.00) is proposed. In addition, an extraordinary dividend of SEK 1.20 per share is proposed. The combined dividend amounts to SEK 2.40 per share, totalling SEK 66.3 M.

”Demand remained highly favorable in the fourth quarter," says Lars-Åke Rydh, President of Nefab. "During 2006 we increased invoiced sales by 27%, of which two thirds was organic growth. Accordingly, we are growing faster than the underlying market”, continues Rydh.

"Earnings were the best in Nefab’s history, High capacity utilization, combined with implemented efficiency enhancement measures, contributed to the positive development,” says Nefab’s President.

"As a result of the solid growth in China, we decided during the year to increase capacity in the Beijing area and in southern China. The new plants are expected to be placed in operation during the summer and in the third quarter, respectively,” concludes Rydh.

For further information, contact: President Lars-Åke Rydh, +46-70-592 45 70,
e-mail, or CFO Anna Stålenbring, +46-70-814 23 44,

Stockholm, February 14, 2007

Lars-Åke Rydh
President and CEO


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