Preliminary report on 2003 operations

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Preliminary report on 2003 operations · Invoiced sales amounted to SEK 1,042 M (1,024), up 2%. Adjusted for comparable currency rates, invoicing rose 8%. · Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 65 M (52). Net profit was SEK 46 M (33). · Earnings per share after full tax amounted to SEK 6.72 (4.80). · Continued strong financial position. The equity/assets ratio amounted to 48.0% (45.2) and the liquidity reserve to SEK 357 M (300). · Proposed dividend SEK 3.00 per share (2.80). For additional information, contact Lars-Åke Rydh, President, tel +46-70- 592 45 70, e-mail, or Chief Financial Officer Anna Stålenbring, tel +46-70-814 23 44, e-mail ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: The full report The full report
