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Nefab grows 28% and reports quarterly profit of SEK 35 M

In its interim report released today, Nefab presented a sharp improvement in invoicing and earnings. Profit after net financial items rose by SEK 11 M to SEK 35 M, corresponding to a profit margin of 8.1%. Invoicing rose 28%, of which 9% was organic growth. First quarter of 2006 - Invoicing amounted to SEK 431 M (337). - Profit after financial items totaled SEK 35 M (24). - Earnings per share amounted to SEK 0.96 (0.66). - Continued expansion through company acquisitions. - Rapid growth in Europe outside Nordic region, +42%. - Invoicing to customers in the industry segment continued to develop positively, +32%. For further information, contact President and CEO Lars-Åke Rydh, +46-70-592 45 70, e-mail, or CFO Anna Stålenbring, +46-70-814 23 44, e-mail


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