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  • Neonet to offer trading access to NYSE Euronext´s alternative market NYSE Arca Europe

Neonet to offer trading access to NYSE Euronext´s alternative market NYSE Arca Europe

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Neonet, the neutral provider of global direct market access brokerage services and trading technology, will offer trading access to NYSE Euronexts’s alternative market NYSE Arca Europe. By adding NYSE Arca Europe to its offering of 35 global marketplaces, Neonet extends its access to European liquidity across traditional and alternative markets.

As a cross-border regulated market, NYSE Euronext already offers trading in Belgian, Dutch, French and Portuguese securities in Europe. NYSE Arca Europe will extend this offer to include trading in a select group of pan-European blue-chip stocks from 10 countries. NYSE Arca Europe is scheduled for launch in January 2009, pending regulatory approval. Following the technical launch, stocks from 10 countries will be phased in to cover Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK.

”The global capital markets continue to evolve, and you can be confident that Neonet offers trading access to the most competitive and liquid marketplaces. Neonet blends the order books of traditional exchanges and alternative marketplaces into a river of liquidity to ensure that transactions are made at the best possible price across multiple markets. We are thrilled to extend our relations with NYSE Euronext as they launch an alternative market in Europe,” states Simon Nathanson, CEO and President of Neonet.

Earlier this year Neonet has extended its offering of global round-the-clock execution services by adding Australia Securities Exchange, the derivative market Eurex and the new European alternative markets; BATS Europe, NASDAQ OMX Europe and Turquoise.

In addition to NYSE Arca Europe, Neonet offers trading on the following marketplaces: American Stock Exchange, Amsterdam, Australian Securities Exchange, BATS Europe, BATS US, Brussels, Chi-X, Copenhagen, Dublin, Eurex, Frankfurt, Helsinki, Hong Kong, Jasdaq, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Milan, NASDAQ, NASDAQ OMX Europe, NYSE, NYSE Arca, Osaka, Oslo, Paris, Singapore, Stockholm, SWX Europe, SIX Swiss Exchange, Tokyo, Toronto, Turquoise, Vienna and Warsaw.

Neonet discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

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