Notice of Neonet AB’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

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The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the shareholders of Neonet AB (publ) will be held at 3 p.m. CET on April 28, 2010 at Spårvagnshallarna, Birger Jarlsgatan 57 A, Stockholm, Sweden. Participation rights, notification, etc.

Shareholders who wish to attend the AGM must: • be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sverige AB (formerly: VPC AB) no later than April 22, 2010, • notify the company of their intention to attend the AGM no later than 4 p.m. CET on April 22, 2010. Shareholders must notify the company of their intention to attend the AGM in writing to Neonet AB (publ): • by fax: +46 (0)8 10 40 84 • by e-mail:, or • by post to Neonet AB (publ), “AGM registration,” Box 7545, SE-103 93 Stockholm, Sweden. In connection with notification, shareholders must state their name, personal or corporate identity number, address, telephone number, shareholding and details of any advisors who will attend. Representatives of shareholders at the Annual General Meeting must be able to present the original version of a signed and dated power of attorney and, for those representing a legal entity, a verified copy of the registration certificate or corresponding document confirming authorization. The power of attorney may not be older than one year and must be sent to the company when notifying attendance. A form for the power of attorney will be provided on request and is also available on the company’s website, In order to be entitled to participate in the AGM, shareholders whose shareholding is registered in the name of a trustee must temporarily re-register their shares in their own name. Shareholders who require such re-registration should notify their trustee well in advance of April 22, 2010, when such re-registration must have been completed. Proposed agenda 1. Opening of the Meeting 2. Election of Chairman of the Meeting 3. Preparation and approval of the list of shareholders entitled to vote at the Meeting 4. Approval of the agenda 5. Election of one or two officers to verify the minutes 6. Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened 7. Presentation of the annual report and the auditors’ report, as well as the consolidated financial report and auditors’ report on the consolidated financial report 8. Motions a. concerning the adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, and of the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet b. concerning the disposition to be made of the Company’s profit as shown in the balance sheet adopted by the Meeting c. concerning the discharge of the Board of Directors and the President from personal liability 9. Determination of the number of members of the Board 10. Determination of the fees to be paid to the Board members and auditors 11. Election of members of the Board and Chairman of the Board 12. Determination of guidelines for the remuneration of senior executives 13. Motion concerning the Nomination Committee ahead of the 2011 AGM 14. Closing of the Meeting Motions Item 2 Election of Chairman of the Meeting Due to the public tender offer that Orc Software AB (publ) has made to the shareholders of Neonet AB (publ), the Nomination Committee has decided to defer presenting its proposals to the Annual General Meeting until further notice. The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be presented as soon as possible and no later than the day of the Annual General Meeting. The Nomination Committee, as elected by the 2009 Annual General Meeting, comprises Peter Lindell (Chairman of the Nomination Committee), Staffan Persson and Hans Karlsson. Item 8b Dividend The Board proposes that no dividend be paid for the 2009 fiscal year. Item 9 Number of Board Members Please refer to Item 2 above. Item 10 Fees to be paid to the Board members and auditors Please refer to Item 2 above. Item 11 Election of members of the Board and Chairman of the Board Please refer to Item 2 above. Item 12 Determination of guidelines for the remuneration of senior executives The Board of Directors proposes that the AGM resolve on the following guidelines, which match those of prior years, for remuneration of senior executives. Senior executives refer to the CEO and other members of the management group. The members of the management group are presented in the company’s Annual Report and on the company’s website. A detailed description of the remuneration paid to senior executives in 2009 is presented in the 2009 Annual Report. Neonet shall offer commercial terms and conditions that permit the company to retain and recruit competent executives. To the extent possible, the remuneration terms shall be predictable in terms of costs for the company and benefits for the employee, and be based on factors such as individual performance, tasks, skills, experience and position. Benchmarking is to be performed against relevant industries and markets. Remuneration of the CEO and other senior executives shall consist of basic salary, other benefits, defined-contribution pension plans, the potential for performance-based variable pay essentially based on the Group’s financial results and, in certain cases, special terms and conditions in conjunction with notice of termination and severance pay. Variable pay, like total salary, shall be proportionate to the executive’s responsibility, skills and performance and shall not be maximized in any other manner than that ensuing from linkage with the Group’s financial results. Any variable remuneration must not be pensionable. The Board may consider proposing share- and share-price related programs for senior executives and other employees to the Annual General Meeting. The Board shall be entitled to depart from the guidelines if there are sufficient reasons for doing so in individual cases. The Board has established a sub-committee from among its numbers with the task of preparing matters regarding remuneration and other employment terms for senior executives. Item 13 Nomination Committee prior to the 2011 Annual General Meeting Please refer to Item 2 above. Number of shares and voting rights in the company At March 29, 2010, the total number of shares and voting rights in the company amounts to 65,066,114. All shares are of the same class. At March 29, 2010, the company holds no treasury shares. Other information The Annual Report documentation, the auditor’s statement in accordance with Chapter 8, Section 54 of the Swedish Companies Act and the Board of Directors’ and the Nomination Committee’s complete motions concerning the items above will be available at the company’s office and on the Group’s website,, no later than Wednesday, April 14, 2010 and will be posted or e-mailed to shareholders who have notified their desire to receive such information from the company and who have provided their address. Stockholm, March 2010 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS This is the type of information that Neonet is required to publish information pursuant to the Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. For further information please contact: Ulrika Lilja Head of Communications +46 8 454 15 82

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