Resolutions from NeoNet’s Annual General Meeting

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The Annual General Meeting of NeoNet AB (publ) was held on 4 May 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden. Find below a summary of the principal resolutions. Distribution of earnings The Annual General Meeting approved the Board’s proposed dividend of SEK 0.25 per share for the fiscal year 2005. The record date for the dividend was determined as Tuesday 9 May 2006. The dividend is scheduled to be distributed through VPC (the Swedish CSD) on Friday 12 May 2006. According to the conditions for warrants TO5 2004/2007, shares subscribed to after 30 December 2005 do not carry right to dividend for 2005. Discharge from liability The Annual General Meeting discharged the members of the Board of Directors and the President from liability for the fiscal year 2005. Election of Board of Directors and compensation to the BoD Staffan Persson, Hans Karlsson, Kari Lotsberg, Nils-Robert Persson, Gerard Versteegh and Thord Wilkne were re-elected as Board members with Staffan Persson as Chairman. The Annual General Meeting approved the compensation to the Board of Directors for 2006 to the amount of SEK 730,000. The amount, which includes compensation for committee work, is subject to allocation according to the decision by the Board. Amendments to the Articles of Association The Annual General Meeting resolved to approve changes of the Articles of Association according to the proposal by the Board of Directors with the following addition: the words “with a maximum of 10 Deputies” in § 6 in the Articles of Association were deleted. The first sentence of the first paragraph of § 6 shall read “The Board shall comprise of 3-10 Members.”. Acquisition and transfer of the Company’s own shares and warrants The Annual General Meeting resolved to authorize the Board of Directors, on one or multiple occasions, until the next Annual General Meeting, to decide on acquisitions of the Company’s own shares and warrants. The maximum total consideration for shares and warrants is SEK 22 m. Any share acquisitions shall take place on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and at the market price at the time of the acquisition. Additionally, the Annual General Meeting authorized the Board of Directors, on one or multiple occasions, until the next Annual General Meeting, to decide to transfer the number of shares that the Company holds at the time. The transfers shall take place on the Stockholm Stock Exchange without consideration of shareholders’ preferential rights. Consideration for transfers shall be possible by other means than cash. Warrants acquired in accordance with the authorization shall be kept in custody of the Company until they have expired. CEO presentation President and Chief Executive Officer Simon Nathanson’s presentation to the shareholders can be found at under Investor Relations / AGM – Årsstämma / In English. This document is a translation from the Swedish original. In the event of any discrepancies between the English translation and the Swedish original the Swedish original shall prevail. For further information, please contact: Simon Nathanson CEO of NeoNet Tel. +46 8 454 15 51

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