Resolutions from Neonet’s Annual General Meeting

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The Annual General Meeting of Neonet AB (publ) shareholders today passed the following principal resolutions in accordance with proposed motions:

The Meeting discharged the Members of the Board and the President from personal responsibility for the 2007 fiscal year.

Staffan Persson, Hans Karlsson, Nils-Robert Persson, Gerard Versteegh and Thord Wilkne were re-elected members of the Board of Directors, with Staffan Persson as chairman.

The Annual General Meeting determined the total remuneration payable to the Board of Directors at SEK 1,250,000 (including remuneration for committee work), in accordance with the Nomination Committee’s proposal.

The Meeting resolved on an automatic redemption of shares, according to which procedure each share is to be divided into three shares (share split 3:1), of which one share, redemption share of series 1 (“ILA 1”) will be redeemed at SEK 1 in cash, and one share, redemption share of series 2 (“ILA 2”) will be redeemed at a subordinated debenture of SEK 1.10 and whereby, in total, approximately MSEK 136.6 will be distributed to the shareholders. As a result of the redemption of shares the company’s share capital will be reduced by approximately SEK 2,168,870. To make it possible to distribute funds in an easy and time-efficient way, the Annual General Meeting resolved to implement a bonus issue by a transfer of approximately SEK 2,168,870 from the company’s non-restricted equity to the share capital. Following implementation of these decisions, the company’s share capital will amount to SEK 3,253,305.70 and the number of issued shares to 65,066,114.
The Meeting voted to approve the Board of Directors’ guidelines for the remuneration of senior executives, the manner in which the Nomination Committee is to be appointed and that audit fees will continue to be payable in return for approved invoices.

The Meeting approved guidelines for the remuneration of senior executives, the manner in which the Nomination Committee is to be appointed and that audit fees will continue to be payable in return for approved invoices.

For a detailed account of the approved motions, refer to the Notice of Annual General Meeting at CEO Simon Nathanson’s presentation is also available on Neonet’s website.

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