Annual general meeting in New Wave Group AB (publ) and share transfer

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At the annual general meeting in New Wave Group AB today, the following was decided, among other things:

- Dividend to the shareholders of SEK 1 per share with 16th May 2007 as record date

- Re-election of Torsten Jansson, Hans Johansson and Maria Andark as Board members and new-election of Mats Årjes and Peter Nilsson as Board members

- Election of Torsten Jansson as working Chairman of the Board.

- Election of the accounting firm Ernst & Young Aktiebolag as the Company’s auditors with Sven-Arne Gårdh as the main responsible auditor

- Changes in the company’s articles of association consisting of the change of the Board’s seat to Gothenburg and that the chairman of the Board shall be elected by the shareholders at general meeting

- Authorization of the board to make a new issue of up to 6 000 000 shares of class B in the company, with or without shareholders subscription privilege and with or without stipulation of capital contributed in kind, setoff or other stipulation as mentioned in Chapter 13 § 5 item 6 in the Companies Act

- Authorization of the board to take up financing of a kind that is covered by the rules in Chapter 11 § 11 in the Companies Act

- New issue of 2,000,000 subscription options to be offered to the employees of the group at market value

Complete documentation regarding the issues mentioned above is available at the company.

Furthermore, it can be informed that Torsten Jansson has sold 76,000 B-shares in New Wave Group to a managing director in a subsidiary. This share transfer is based upon an execution of a call option issued to the director in question.

Gothenburg May 11, 2007

New Wave Group AB (publ)
The Board

For more information, please contact:
Torsten Jansson, Chairman, tel: +46 (0)31 712 89 01, E-mail:
Göran Härstedt, CEO, tel: +46 (0)31 712 89 02, E-mail:


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