Year end report for New Wave Group AB (publ)

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The Period 1 October–31 December 2008
• Sales amounted to MSEK 1 227 which was 8 % lower than the previous year (1 331).
• The result after tax decreased by MSEK 88.8 to MSEK 2.4 (91.2).
• The result per share in parent company amounted to SEK -0.01 (1.37).
• The operating margin amounted to 5.0 (11.4) %.
• The result after finance net decreased by MSEK 88.9 to MSEK 33.2 (122.1).
• Equity ratio amounted to 34.1(29.9) %.
• Net debt - Equity ratio amounted to 140.5 (163.9) %.

The Period 1 January–31 December 2008
• Sales increased by 10 % to MSEK 4 604 (4 194), organic growth amounted to1 %.
• The result after tax decreased by MSEK 83.4 to MSEK 147.9 (231.3).
• The result per share in parent company amounted to SEK 2.18 (3.46).
• The operating margin amounted to 8.0 (9.7) %.
• The result after finance net decreased by MSEK 82.2 to MSEK 232.8 (315.0).

• The Board of Directors has decided to suggest the annual shareholders meeting a dividend of SEK 0.18 (1.00) per share totalling MSEK 11.9.

Significant Events after the Quarter
• A new savings package including actions for improvement in efficiency and profitability has been introduced at Orrefors Kosta Boda.

Views on 2009
• Market conditions are difficult to predict due to uncertainty in the economy, for 2009 New Wave is expecting a profit before tax which is in line with 2008, but that the turnover will not be on the same level as previous year


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