Blane Judd appointed HVCA chief executive designate

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25 March 2011 – The HVCA has appointed Blane Judd to the position of chief executive designate. A chartered engineer and fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, Mr Judd brings with him very considerable experience of the energy and building services engineering sectors. He served as operations director of sector skills council SummitSkills for three years from 2003 to 2006, and for the past five has been chief executive of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) – the reputation of which he has significantly enhanced during his term of office, and which he led, in 2008, to the achievement of a Royal Charter. Mr Judd can also claim significant expertise in trade organisations, having spent a decade with the Electricity Association, during which he rose to the position of director of education standards and training. “Most importantly, however, we were deeply impressed by Blane’s determination, and perceived ability, to square up to the many challenges presently facing the Association, further to develop its profile with a broad range of stakeholders, and to grow its membership across building services engineering,” said HVCA president Martin Burton. Commenting on his appointment, Mr Judd confirmed that he was both pleased and honoured to be invited to join the staff of the HVCA – and was aware of the many key issues currently being progressed by the Association. “I look forward to the opportunity to raise the status and enhance the effectiveness of the Association even further – and to develop the added value the HVCA already provides to its members,” said Mr Judd. The post of chief executive designate was created following the decision of current chief executive Robert Higgs OBE to retire in July of this year. Blane Judd will work closely with Mr Higgs over the next few months, and will progress to the role of chief executive on Monday 25 July 2011. Ends

