Height of Achievement

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Signbox Ltd, leaders in architectural signage, have just completed one of the most complex and demanding high level branding projects in the 25 year history of the company – commissioned by Northern Trust for their European headquarters in Canary Wharf.

18 March 2010 - Signbox, the award-winning and innovative architectural sign specialist, has just completed a highly complex and technically demanding project to manufacture and install a substantial corporate logo to the north elevation of Northern Trust’s European headquarters building in Canary Wharf, London. This intricate project involved installing a detailed symbol and individually fabricated stainless steel letters which make up Northern Trust’s logo. The logo, now visible on the Dockland’s skyline, was positioned across the top of the company's offices with the inherent safety implications of such a large, exposed sign, at a 62 metre height. Mark Bartlett, managing director of Signbox comments, “Signbox was the principle contractor for this extremely complex project. What made the project so demanding technically is that there proved to be very limited scope to secure the sign on top of the building. The engineering and design of the supporting structure integrated with both architectural elements and plant at roof level. Planning was meticulous with safety of course absolutely paramount at every stage of the project. And the logo is not passive – it is illuminated by twin circuits of LEDs, which are controlled by photocells and a timer, all adding to the complexity of this assignment”. The installation of the structural steelwork commenced over the New Year break. However, a combination of health and safety restrictions and the need to minimise disruption to personnel working in Canary Wharf, resulted in work only taking place at weekends. The project coincided with the severe weather conditions experienced this past winter, exacerbated by the height and open environment that the Signbox installation team were working at. The project was, however, completed on schedule. Bartlett continues, “We worked very closely with Blackburn & Co. LLP, who were appointed by Northern Trust as the project manager. Both Northern Trust and Blackburn & Co. LLP have conveyed to us their complete satisfaction with the outcome of the project”. -ends-