Increased demand for temporary surveillance systems

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Tag Guard Ltd report increased demand for temporary surveillance systems including their fully portable “plug & go” 3G security camera

29 September 2010 - Wireless security specialists Tag Guard Ltd report an increased level of enquiries from companies and organisations needing effective but temporary camera surveillance systems. A common reason for this need is that the site or location is likely to be subject to civil unrest and public disorder or already has become the target for demonstrators. In such situations there is a clearly a danger of vandalism, theft or potential assault on security personnel, the police or staff working at the site. A recent actual example where Tag Guard supplied temporary camera surveillance was the location for a proposed major new transport facility. Members of the public protesting against the planned development were regularly present - and in large numbers. It was for this type of requirement that Tag Guard developed their fully portable “plug & go” security camera that is ideal for temporary applications. Featuring leading edge 3G technology, it simply plugs into a 240v power supply and is ready to operate. Its 3G transmission capability provides for remote control of the camera and remote access to live or recorded images. As no expensive wiring or telephone and broadband connections are required it is highly cost effective and very quick to set up. The camera and 3G operating technology is encased in a rugged, robust housing. It can be simply attached to a fixed structure like a lamppost, wall or scaffolding; alternatively, for rapid deployment to where public disorder is likely to occur, Tag Guard can provide a purpose-built mobile trailer that features a telescopic camera mount providing 360º viewing at a 7m height. Capable of operating in very low light, the high-speed dome camera has a zoom lens with 50 programmable positions and the solid-state in-built recording facility gives 15 days of continuous recording. Site security personnel or the emergency services have the benefit of remote access to live and recorded images and full camera control via 3G transmissions. For more information about this and other Tag Guard products or services call 02392 598218 or visit: - ends -

