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Some timely energy saving advice to organisations and establishments in the public sector from the Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA).

27 January 2010 – Energy prices remain at record levels despite substantial falls in wholesale costs, with little expectation of any significant reductions during 2010. So what can organisations and establishments in the public sector do to become more energy efficient and help keep their energy bills to a minimum? Some timely advice comes from the Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA). This useful 10-point guide will help keep energy bills down and reduce waste. Furthermore, as all organisations become more environmentally aware, these steps can play an important part in helping lower their carbon footprint. 1. SWITCH OFF – Turning off computer equipment and other office appliances when they are not in use involves little effort. Leaving them on overnight wastes enough energy to run a small car for 100 miles. 2. SETTINGS – Ensure that computers are on energy-saving settings. Plug everything into a power strip so that, when you leave for the day, the whole desktop can be turned off at the flick of a switch. 3. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE – Print on both sides of the paper. Recycle envelopes and labels. Turn scrap paper into notepads. 4. TURN DOWN – Turn your heating down by 1°C and save 10% on your heating bills. Make sure radiators are not being blocked by furniture. 5. LIGHTS OUT – Switch off any unnecessary lighting during the day, especially near windows and in corridors that do not require bright lighting. Around 80% of the UK’s total lighting energy is used in offices. 6. BE NATURAL – Position desks and workstations so as to make best use of natural light. 7. LAST OUT – Make the last person who leaves the premises responsible for turning everything off – including computers, printers, fans, drinks machines and, of course, lights. 8. DO NOT PRINT – Use e-mail or notice boards to share information instead of printed memos. Do not print out anything unless you really have to. 9. BAN PLASTIC – Opt for reusable crockery and glasses instead of plastic cups and disposable plates and cutlery. 10. GREEN FOR GO – Encourage colleagues to organise a “green travel plan”. This could include car-sharing, cycling, walking to work in groups, etc. “As the premier organisation representing the interests of firms that design, install, commission and maintain heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, HVCA is committed to the provision of sustainable solutions across the built environment”, explained Robert Higgs, HVCA Chief Executive. “We are therefore keen to persuade everyone to play a part in saving energy, reducing carbon emissions and combating global warming.” Further information on how to reduce energy bills and save energy is available via the HVCA on 020 7313 4900 or at the website www.hvca.org.uk. -ends-

