Nexus interim Report January – June 2009

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The second quarter in brief - Net sales for the second quarter amounted to SEK 12.4 million (21.3). - Operating profit (EBIT) amounted to SEK -6.9 million (-8.1). - Operating profit after tax amounted to SEK -6.3 million (-7.7). - An order with a contract value of SEK 2.3 million over four years was received from Resurs Bank for usage rights for Nexus Safe Access. The first six month in brief - Net sales for the first six month amounted to SEK 30.3 million (32.2). - Profit after tax from remaining operations to SEK -6.9 million (-20.8). - Earnings per share amounted to SEK -1.40 (-0.01). - Ponderus Technology AB’s acquisition offer to Nexus shareholders expired on 27 July 2009. As of that date, Ponderus Technology AB’s shareholding in Nexus was 69.2 percent.

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