Nexus publishes free white paper "Mobile PKI Security"

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Nexus Technology, one of the leading providers of PKI technology has published a white paper on "Mobile PKI Security". The paper describes the use of mobile devices for authentication and digital signature within the scope of mobile PKI solutions.

The white paper addresses interested parties and IT managers that are concerned with security solutions that implicate mobile devices - i.e. traditional cellular phones as well as smart phones. Enterprises that are looking for ways to utilize the potential of the already existing vast mobile infrastructure in private and business areas will also find answers. As the PKI expert, Technology Nexus explains the current technical situation and potential, specifies challenges and presents solution approaches. The paper explains schemes for the establishment of mobile infrastructure - with or without involvement of network operators - as well as the use of the components for identity verification and digital signatures in mobile applications. Two use cases are described, which differ with regard to whether the application directly resides on the mobile device and the use of the mobile device exclusively as means for authentication or signature for Internet applications on a PC. Both scenarios are illustrated with easy-to-understand diagrams. Adequate products for the technical realization are introduced ultimately. The white paper follows the trend of the vast spreading of cellular and smart phones and the steady increase in mobile applications. It tackles urgent security issues and offers solutions for the establishment of secure identification, unforgetable communication and binding business processes in mobile applications on the basis of PKI-technology. Nexus' white paper "Mobile PKI Security" is free of charge and can be downloaded from:

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