#24-49 Investment AB Spiltan to NGM Main Regulated

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Investment AB Spiltan, whose shares are currently listed on NGM PepMarket have now been approved to move their shares to the regulated market NGM Equity Stockholm. The shares will now be traded daily and the first day of trading on NGM Equity Stockholm has been set to Monday May 20, 2024.


Information regarding the affected instrument:


Listing Name: Investment AB Spiltan

Exchange symbol: SPLTN

ISIN-code: SE0013382546



Instrument-ID: 8MLG

Tick size table/liquidity band: 3

Number of issued instruments: 31 057 801

First day of trading on NGM Equity Stockholm: 2024-05-20

Old Market-ID: NSME

New Market-ID: XNGM

Old Segment-ID: NSPSE

New Segment-ID: EQST



For more information about this Market Notice, please contact us by e-mail, marketsurveillance@ngm.se or telephone, +46 8 566 390 55.