Financial results 24SevenOffice 3rd Quarter 2008

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24SevenOffice ASA's operating revenue in 3Q08 was MNOK 15.3. This represents growth in sales of 184% compared to 3Q07. Operating profit (EBIT) for 3Q08 was MNOK -2.5 compared to MNOK -3.6 for 2Q08, an improvement of 31%. Operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) was MNOK -1.2 compared to MNOK -2.8 for 2Q08, an improvement of 57%.
The company's Norwegian operations were EBT positive in 3Q08. The Norwegian operations still represents 95% of total group revenue.
Highlights 3Q 2008
-Operating revenue reached MNOK 15.3 which represents 184% growth in sales compared to 3Q07 and 38% growth compared to 2Q08
-Increased focus on start up fees, with new record reached in September
-Conversion of AccountOnIt customers from Visma to 24SevenOffice business community platform continues according to schedule. 60% converted to date.
-24SevenOffice ASA has been preselected by Dow Jones and Avise Partners to participate in Euro Tech Showcase Final 2008
-Despite closed sales office in July the company reached a record high 1633 customers
New platform released on Oyatel virtual PABX
Released beta version of SuperStore
Extended integration with Intrum Justitia to allow for factoring
Integrated Soliditet (D&B) in Sweden with 24SevenOffice

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