Third Quarter Results

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The companys operating revenue was MNOK 5.4 in 3Q07. This represents growth in sales of 30 per cent compared to 3Q06. Operating profit (EBIT) for 3Q07 was MNOK -7.7 and operating profit before depreciation (EBITDA) was MNOK -6.6.

Highlights 3Q 2007:
Operating revenue reached MNOK 5.4 which represents 30 % growth in sales compared to 3Q06
Record breaking sales in both August and September
Strong focus on recruitment of sales representatives
High focus on development of new functionality for mobility and mobile devices which will be launched 4Q07 and 1Q08
Considerable one time outbound payments in 3Q07 related to
MNOK 11 listing process
MNOK 4 rest payment of purchase of  Ergo Services
MNOK 2,4 final installment long-term debt