Verdens helseorganisasjon-møte i Oslo 1. og 2. april

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"Health in times of global economic crisis"

Sted: Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica, Kongeveien 26, Oslo
Tid: 1–2 April 2009

173 deltakere er påmeldt fra 41 land.
14 helseministre og 20 statssekretærer og helsedirektører kommer.

Hovedarrangør er WHO Europa i samarbeid med norske helsemyndigheter, Helsedirektoratet og Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet. Spørsmålene som vil bli tatt opp er hvordan påvirker den globale økonomiske krisen helse og helsesystemene i Europa? Hva bør gjøres for å redusere sykdomsbyrden – og særlig av ikke-smittsomme sykdommer? Hvordan kan helsesektoren bidra til å redusere fattigdom og sosial ulikhet i dagens økonomiske situasjon? Hvordan kan helse bidra til å redusere effekten av økonomisk nedgangstider?

Foredragsholdere er blant annet:
Mr. Bjarne Håkon Hanssen, Minister of Health and Care Services,
Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway,
Mr. Bjørn-Inge Larsen, Director-General, Norwegian Directorate of Health,
Dr Marc Danzon, WHO Regional Director for Europe,
Mrs Mary Robinson, President, Realizing Rights: the Ethical Globalization Initiative and Co-chair, Health Workers Global Policy Advisory Council
Prof Sir Michael Marmot, Director, International Institute for Society and Health and MRC Research Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, United Kingdom
Prof Martin McKee, Research Director, European Centre on Health of Societies in Transition, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom,
Prof Alan Maynard, Professor of Health Economics, University of York,
Mr Philippe Douste-Blazy, Chair of the Executive Board of UNITAID,
Prof Guillem López-Casasnovas, Professor in Economics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Catalonia) and Member of the Board of the Bank of Spain,
Prof Dr Tomica Milosavljevic Minister of Health of Serbia



Engelsk med oversettelse til russisk.


Journalists are invited to attend the meeting. Interviews with participants can be arranged upon request. Correspondents wishing to attend the meeting must be accredited; they can secure accreditation by e-mail (to or Registration for accredited journalists will take place at Holmenkollen Park Hotel Rica, Kongeveien 26, Oslo, from 12:00 on Wednesday, 1 April 2009.


The meeting will webcast live, so that interested people who are unable to attend may follow the discussions. Further information on the meeting and how to link to the webcast are available on the web site of the WHO Regional Office for Europe



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