Acquiring shares in Polish newspaper

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Orkla Press now possesses 100 per cent of the shares in the company.
Koszalin city has a population of about 110.000 inhabitants and in
the Zachodnio-pomorskie region there are about 1,7 million

The transaction will be closed when all required permissions have
been obtained.

DOW Rondo was established in 1992. Orkla Press acquired the first
38,5 per cent stake in the company in 2000, and another 3 per cent in

The average daily circulation of Glos Koszalinski/Glos Slupski was
25,920 copies (January-December 2003). The newspaper is the No. 1
regional daily in the circulation and readership markets in the east
Zachodnio-pomorskie region (Koszalin area).

The business that is acquired had yearly operating revenues of PLN 16
millions and 103 man-years as of 31 December 2003.

Orkla Press has been present in the Polish newspaper market since
1990. The Orkla Press group will continue its efforts to strengthen
the position of the regional press in Poland. Orkla Press intends to
make further investments in Poland in the area of print media and in
the sector of similar media.
