Moody's opprettholder rating

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Moody's Investor Service har oppjustert rating utsikter for SpareBank 1 SR-Bank til følgende:
-         Long-term deposit, senior unsecured and issuer ratings confirmed at A1, with negative outlook;
-         Subordinate ratings confirmed at A2, with negative outlook;
-         Preferred stock ratings confirmed at A3, with negative outlook;
-         C- BFSR with negative unaffected;
-         Prime-1 short rating unaffected
Moody's viser til at "Moody's last rating action on SpareBank 1 SR-Bank was on 22 July 2009 when long-term ratings were placed on review for possible downgrade."
Kontaktpersoner hos SpareBank 1 SR-Bank
Direktør kapitalmarked Stian Helgøy, tlf 906 52 173
Investor Relations Manager Kyrre M. Knudsen, tlf 938 83 518
