The Nomination Committee´s proposal to Directors of the Nordax’s Board and immediate change in the composition of the Board

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The Nomination Committee of Nordax proposes election of Susanne Hannestad as new Non-Executive Director of the Board and proposes re-election of the present board members Christian Beck, Arne Bernroth, Katarina Bonde, Morten Falch, Andrew Rich and Synnöve Trygg. The Nomination Committee further proposes to re-elect Arne Bernroth as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The Non-Executive Director Hans Larsson has declined nomination for re-election and resigns from the Board of Directors immediately. The reason is that there is a risk of a conflict of interest between Nordax’s operations and Nordnet where Hans Larsson recently was appointed Chairman of the Board.

Susanne Hannestad, born 1961, is the founder and CEO of Fintech Mundi AS and Bozan AS and Chairman of Payr AS, VIO Media AS and Førstehjelperen AS. Hannestad has previously held senior positions in Nordea, Nets and Sparebank 1 Forsikring in Norway and held several board assignments, among them Visa Bankegruppe AS, MasterCard Forum, Scandpower IT AS and Visa Norge AS. Susanne Hannestad has a Master Business Administration from Northeastern University in USA and a First Level Bachelor of Law from Oslo University. 

The Nomination Committee considers Susanne Hannestad to have a broad and relevant experience of the Norwegian financial market. Susanne also has experience from strategic planning, creation of effective governance and internal control, as well as experience from digital change of business models and she will contribute to further diversity and variety of the Board of Directors with regards to gender, age, geographical provenance as well as educational and professional background. Susanne Hannestad will be subject to management assessment by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

The Nomination Committee is composed by of its Chairman Hans Hedström (representing Carnegie Fonder AB), Hans Ek (representing SEB Investment Management AB) and Malin Björkmo (representing Handelsbanken Fonder AB).

The Nomination Committee's other proposals and statements regarding the proposed Board of Directors will be included in the notice to the Annual General Meeting and on Nordax’s website.

Nordax’s Annual General Meeting 2017 will be held on Thursday, 27 April at 9am in Bryggarsalen, Norrtullsgatan 12N, Stockholm.

For more information, please contact

Andreas Frid, Head of Investor Relations, Nordax

Tel: +46 705 290 800


About Nordax

Nordax is a leading niche bank in the Nordic region providing personal loans and deposit accounts to private individuals in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Germany. Nordax had nearly 150.000 deposit and lending customers at year-end. Nordax employs about 200 people, all work­ing in its office in Stockholm. The underwriting process is Nordax’s core competency; it is thorough, sound and data driven. Nordax’s customers are financially stable individuals. The typical customer is approximately 50 years old and has an income in line with or above the national average. As of December 31, 2016 lending to the general public amounted to SEK 12.8 billion and deposits amounted to SEK 7.1 billion. Nordax has been supervised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority since 2004 and deposits are covered by the Swedish deposit guarantee scheme. Read more on For more information about Nordax’s customer offerings, read more on each country’s web site:,, and


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