Nobia's Nomination Committee

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Owners representing 28 per cent of the capital and votes in Nobia have appointed a Nomination Committee to propose the following matters to the 2007 Annual General Meeting.
  •          the election of the Chairman and other Members of the company's Board of Directors,
  •          the Board fees, divided between the Chairman and the other Members, and any remuneration for committee work,
  •          the chairman of the Annual General Meeting,
  •          the election of auditors.
    The composition of the Nomination Committee is as follows:
    Erik Törnberg, Öresund, Chairman of the Nomination Committee
    Fredrik Palmstierna, SäkI
    KG Lindvall, Robur
    Jan-Erik Erenius, AMF Pension
    Hans Larsson, Board Chairman
    Nobia shareholders are welcome to submit comments and proposals to the Nomination Committee.
    Nobia AB
    13 October 2006
    To submit proposals and for further information, contact:
    Erik Törnberg, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, tel +46 (0)8 402 33 00.
    By post: Nobia AB, Nomination Committee, Box 70376, 107 24 Stockholm
