Nobia listed on Attract40

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Nobia listed on Attract40 The Stockholm Stock Exchange's latest update of Attract40 on the O-list shows that the Nobia share is one of the most traded shares on the O- list. Accordingly Nobia will be listed on Attract40 as of 1 January 2003. Nobia AB 19 December 2002 Further information: Fredrik Cappelen, President and CEO, Tel +46 8 440 16 02 Katarina Sivander, Communications Manager, Tel +46 8 440 16 07 See also Nobia's website Nobia is Europe's leading kitchen interiors company. The Group operates in a number of European markets under strong brand names. Nobia's own specialist kitchen stores are, together with franchise stores, responsible for most of the Group's sales. Nobia is leading the consolidation of the European kitchen market and creating profitable growth by making efficiency improvements and acquisitions, taking an industrial approach. The Group has sales of approx. SEK 10 billion annually and around 6,000 employees. Nobia is listed on Stockholmsbörsen's O-list. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: