Resolutions from extraordinary general meeting of Nobina AB (publ)

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An extraordinary general meeting of Nobina AB (publ) was held on January 17, 2012, in the company’s offices in Solna.

The Meeting resolved that the Board of Directors shall consist of five Board members.

The Meeting resolved to elect Gunnar Reitan together with Richard Cazenove as new ordinary Board members to serve until the end of the next annual shareholders’ meeting. Richard Cazenove replaces Thomas Naess as an ordinary member of the Board of Directors, representing BlueBay Asset Management Ltd. In addition, the Board of Directors of Nobina AB consists of the Chairman Jan Sjöqvist as well as Birgitta Kantola and Rolf Lydahl.

The newly elected members in brief:

Gunnar Reitan is active in holding several board memberships and has extensive executive experience primarily as CFO and Vice President of Scandinavian Airlines between 1993 and 2007. He holds a Bachelor of business administration.

Richard Cazenove is a portfolio manager at BlueBay Asset Management Ltd, which he joined in 2003. Prior to BlueBay, he spent six years at UBS Warburg in leveraged finance and high yield research. He holds an MA in Social and Political Science.

For more information, please contact:

Jan Sjöqvist, Chairman of the Board of Directors, telephone +46 (0) 70-593 40 10


