Nokian Tyres participating in UN Global Compact initiative

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Nokian Tyres plc Press release 11 January, 2016 

Nokian Tyres plc becomes a member of the UN's Global Compact initiative

Nokian Tyres has signed the United Nations' Global Compact initiative and registered as a supporting member of the initiative as of December 23, 2015. Signing the initiative further strengthens the Group's commitment to profitable business and responsible methods.

"The ten principles of the initiative are consistent with Nokian Tyres' code of ethics and promoting these principles will reinforce our position as a responsible premium manufacturer. We are aiming for profitable business with responsible methods and we are committed to incorporating the principles of the initiative into our strategy, culture, and everyday activities," says Ari Lehtoranta, President and CEO of Nokian Tyres.

The UN's Global Compact is the world's largest corporate social responsibility initiative. It was started by Kofi Annan in 2000. Companies that sign the initiative voluntarily commit themselves to promoting ten internationally recognized principles as part of their business. The principles relate to human rights, workers' rights, environmental protection, and combating corruption.

More than 8,000 companies around the world are involved along with around 4,000 other participants such as citizens' associations and public-sector organizations.

Nokian Tyres plc

Antti-Jussi Tähtinen
Vice President, Marketing and Communications

Further information: Teppo Huovila, Vice President, Quality and Process, +358 10 401 7701

Nokian Tyres is the only tyre manufacturer in the world that focuses on customer needs in northern conditions. The company supplies innovative tyres for cars, trucks and special heavy machinery mainly in areas with special challenges on tyre performance: snow, forests and harsh driving conditions in different seasons. Nokian Tyres’ product development is consistently aiming for sustainable solutions for safety and the environment, taking into account the whole life cycle of the tyre. A part of the Nokian Tyres group, the tyre chain Vianor has over 1,400 outlets in 27 countries. In 2014 Nokian Tyres had over 4,200 employees and net sales of approximately 1,4 billion euros. Nokian Tyres’ share is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki. Further information:
