Hudya AB postpones the company’s year-end report with one week

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Hudya AB has decided to postpone the year-end report with one week. The year-end report will be published on March 26, 2020.


Hudya AB has decided to postpone the company's year-end report for 2019 to March 26, 2020 due to delays caused by the Covid-19 situation. Previously announced day for the year-end report was March 19, 2020.


For further information, please contact

Morten Kvam, Chief Communications Officer
Phone: +47 930 28 970


Hanne Ek, CFO
Phone: + 47 926 62 379


About Hudya
Hudya AB is an innovative Scandinavian fintech company with operations in Sweden, Denmark and Norway and has approximately 220 employees. Hudya creates technical solutions for a simpler economic life, aiming to save customers time and money. Hudya has built a unique digital platform, gathering services that individuals and businesses need. Today, mobile, electricity, insurance and refinancing are offered with friendly terms, prices and customer service. The company has international ambitions and is working to develop and distribute services at a low cost regardless of country, starting in Scandinavia. To date, the company has 95,000 registered users in Norway. The company was listed February 14 2020 on Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Stockholm.

Certified Advisor: FNCA Sweden AB,, +46 8 528 00 399.

For further information about Hudya, please visit


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