Correction: Company Announcement No 5, 2016 - Addendum to Nordea Kredits final terms

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Correction of headline in table. The correct headline of column five should be Closing Date.

The following security codes have been added to the final terms of fixed rate non-callable bullet covered mortgage bonds.

Covered bonds (non-callable fixed-rate bullet)

ISIN code Nom Name Opening Closing Maturity Currency
interest rate/ date date date
DK0002035641 1% 2021 1NDASDROAP21RF 13/01-2016 28/02-2021 01/04-2021 DKK
DK0002036029 1% 2017 1NDASDROOK17IT1Y 13/01-2016 31/08-2017 01/10-2017 DKK
DK0002036102 1% 2018 1NDASDROOK18IT2Y 13/01-2016 31/08-2018 01/10-2018 DKK
DK0002036292 1% 2021 1NDASDROOK21RF 13/01-2016 31/08-2021 01/10-2021 DKK
DK0002035724 1% 2017 1NDAsEUOK17IT1Y 13/01-2016 31/08-2017 01/10-2017 EUR
DK0002035807 1% 2018 1NDAsEUOK18IT2Y 13/01-2016 31/08-2018 01/10-2018 EUR
DK0002035997 1% 2019 1NDAsEUOK19RF 13/01-2016 31/08-2019 01/10-2019 EUR

Questions can be directed to Ole Hansen phone no. +45 55 47 38 69

Yours faithfully
Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab
