Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S, Interim report - third quarter 2009

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Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S                                   Announcement no. 34
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                19 November 2009
DK-1067 Copenhagen K

Interim report - third quarter 2009

Key figures and ratios (USDm)    Third quarter - highlights: 

Dry Cargo EBITDA                 For the third consecutive quarter, the Dry
Q3 2009                37        Cargo Department increased its earnings to an
Year-to-date           78        EBITDA of USD 37 million. The progress is a
                                 result of decreasing fleet costs and long-term
                                 coverage of the vessels at attractive rates.
                                 In all vessel types, earnings were better than
                                 the spot rates. 
Tanker EBITDA                    The Tanker Department had an operating loss
Q3 2009                -6        (EBITDA) of USD -6.5 million in markets, which
Year-to-date            1        were worse than expected. However, the
                                 International Energy Agency (IEA) is expecting
                                 increasing oil consumption from 2010, and at
                                 the same time, the cost base is improved due
                                 to redelivery of 2 expensive, chartered LR1 
Net profit                       The total profits were slightly lower than
Q3 2009                37        expected due to the development in Tankers:
Year-to-date          169        the primary operating profit (EBIT) was USD 28
                                 million for the quarter and USD 95 million
                                 year-to-date. The net profit was USD 37
                                 million for the quarter and USD 169 million

Cash and securities              The agreements on sale of 4 bulk carriers have
Q3 2009               776        further strengthened the Company's financial
                                 position, and cash and cash equivalents, etc.
                                 amounted to USD 776 million at the end of the
                                 quarter. In comparison, outstanding payments 
                                 to the Company's newbuilding programme amount
                                 to USD 545 million when known proceeds from
                                 sale of vessels are deducted. 
Theoretical NAV                  NORDEN still expects that the fourth quarter
DKK 261 per share                will be the best quarter of the year earnings
                                 wise; income from already covered ship days
                                 (112% in Dry Cargo and 45% in Tankers)
                                 contributes to an expected EBITDA of
                                 approximately USD 48-58 million, and proceeds
                                 from sale of vessels amount to USD 16 million. 
                                 Uncertainties particularly concern possible
                                 postponements of contract cargoes and rates on
                                 open ship days in Tankers. 

Outlook 2009                     The expectations for 2009 are narrowed down to
EBITDA            120-130        an EBITDA of USD 120-130 million (against
EBIT              150-160        previous USD 100-150 million) and an EBIT of
                                 USD 150-160 million (against previous USD
                                 122-172 million). The changes reflect a better
                                 result in Dry Cargo and a worse result in
Coverage 2010                    The coverage in Dry Cargo has increased to 56%
Dry Cargo             56%        for 2010 (41% at the half-year) and to 30% for
Tanker                34%        2011 (21% at the half-year). The coverage in
                                 Tankers remains unchanged at 34% for 2010. 

Today at 11.00 hours (CET), NORDEN will hold an information meeting at 52,
Strandvejen, DK-2900 Hellerup, where CEO Carsten Mortensen, CFO Michael Tønnes
Jørgensen and Senior Vice President Martin Badsted will comment on the report
for the third quarter and the expectations for the whole year. 

Furthermore, a telephone conference will be held at 15.30 hours (CET). By 15.25
hours (CET) at the latest, Danish participants should dial +45 3271 4767 while
participants from abroad should dial +44 (0) 208 817 9301 or +1 718 354 1226.
The telephone conference can be followed live at www.ds-norden.com where the
accompanying presentation also is available. 

Further information: 
CEO Carsten Mortensen, tel. +45 3315 0451.


                           Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
                                 52, Strandvejen
                                DK-2900 HELLERUP
                                CVR no. 67758919