Major shareholder announcement
Attached please find below text as PDF file.
Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen A/S Announcement no. 33
Nikolaj Plads 6 9 September 2008
1067 Copenhagen K Page 1 of 1
Major shareholder announcement
In pursuance with section 29, subsection 1 of the Danish Securities Trading
Act, Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S (NORDEN) hereby discloses that today A/S
Motortramp has informed NORDEN that A/S Motortramp is split into two new
companies, Stensbygaard Holding and (the new) A/S Motortramp.
In addition, it was disclosed that all NORDEN shares held by the previous A/S
Motortramp are transferred to (the new) A/S Motortramp, which has the same
shareholders as the previous A/S Motortramp.
A/S Motortramp holds 11,851,240 shares in NORDEN equivalent to 26.6% of the
total share capital in NORDEN.
Kind regards,
Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
Carsten Mortensen
President & CEO
Contact at tel. +45 3315 0451: Martin Badsted, Senior Vice President.
Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
52, Strandvejen