NORDEN's guidance for 2009 is unchanged

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Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S                                    Announcement no. 5
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                12 February 2010
1067 Copenhagen K

NORDEN's guidance for 2009 is unchanged

NORDEN has learned that in some media incorrect reports have been circulating
about NORDEN's financial results for 2009. 

On the basis of this, NORDEN can report that the Company's guidance for 2009 is
unchanged - that is, an EBITDA of USD 120-130 million and an EBIT of USD
150-160 million. The Company's annual report will be released on 9 March 2010. 

                                   Kind regards,
                          Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S

                             Michael Tønnes Jørgensen
                          Executive Vice President & CFO

Contact at tel. +45 3315 0451: Michael Tønnes Jørgensen, Executive Vice
President & CFO. 


                          Dampskibsselskabet NORDEN A/S
                                52, Strandvejen
                               DK-2900 HELLERUP
                               CVR no. 67758919